Our Network
​AlfaMed is a Euro-American inter-university research network on media literacy for citizenship which brings together more than 50 researchers from 13 European and Latin American countries, aiming to promote opportunities and to improve the academic research and dissemination on "media education ".
Structure & Researchers
Ensuring the functions and the concerted efforts, the network has an International Steering Committee and National Research Teams organized by each of the countries involved.
News & Publications
The Executive Committee of the Iberoamerican University Postgraduate Association (AUIP) meeting on October 15, 2015 San Salvador, endorsed the Euro-American inter-university research network (Alfamed) as an associated thematic network. The AUIP is an international entity focused on training of graduate and doctoral professionals among 197 universities.
AUIP endorsed ALFAMED as an Associated Thematic Network

Research area
The main concern of the network is creating collaborative research related to communication and education. Specifically, media literacy of citizenship, education and media literacy (media literacy) , nurturing interdisciplinary way asuch as psychology, sociology, anthropology, and other fields of knowledge.