Red Italia

La red italiana está conformada por cuatro universidades y un instituto de investigación en educación: Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano (UCSC), Università di Torino (Unito), University of Padova, University of Bologna y el National Institute for Documentation Innovation and Research in Education (INDIRE).

Ph.D. in Communication Sciences (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy), is assistant professor at the Department of Philosophy and Educational Sciences of the University of Turin (Italy), where she currently teaches Sociology of education. Researcher specialized in Media education and Media literacy, young people and media, cyberbullying, social representations. She coordinated the Cl@ssi 2.0 project in Piedmont (Italy), whose goal was the integration of digital and web 2.0 technologies in the learning environment. She currently coordinates the italian unit of the project TRANSMEDIA LITERACY (European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme). She has taught at University of Huelva (Spain) in the framework of the Erasmus Teaching Staff Mobility.
Ph.D. in Sociology of Cultural Phenomena (University of Urbino, Italy), is assistant professor in Sociology at the Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Pshycology of the University of Padova (Italy), where he currently teaches New media and Sociology. His current research interests deal with the analysis of publics,media education and media literacy and the relationship between young people and new technologies.
Ph. D in Communication Science, is researcher at the National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Research in Education (INDIRE) and she teaches Theory and Technic of Digital Media at University of Turin and Social Networking at the Polytechnic of Turin. She carries on research about youth digital cultures, digital competences and soft skills, the relationship of formal and informal digital practices with the labour field. She participated at several national and international projects. er recent publications are available here: http://www.indire.it/personale/gabriella-taddeo-2/
Experienced Researcher with a demonstrated history of working in the field of educational research. Skilled in E-Learning, Web 2.0, Lecturing, Educational Technology, and Instructional Design. Strong research professional with a PhD focused in Cognition & Education from University Ca' Foscari di Venezia.
Ph.D. in sociology of culture and communication from the University of Padova. She is currently an assitant professor at the Department of Social and Political Sciences of the University of Bologna where she teaches Humanitarian and Social communication. Her research interests are in the areas of gender, gender based violence, digital media and humanitarian and social communication. She has been a visiting fellow at the Center for Refugee Studies at York University (CA) and at the Department of Italian Studies at the University of Toronto. Since October 2023 she is the national coordination of the project: "Social Representations of Cyber-violence Against Women and Girls: Advancing Knowledge on an Under-conceptualized Issue". Her latest publications include articles and chapters about gender and digital media.